Access Translation Services specializes in providing companies, organizations, governmental agencies and individuals in Dallas with top-quality translations of documents on any subject and from and to any of 147 languages. 

Free Consultation

We offer accuracy, efficiency, punctuality, confidentiality, and competitive rates. Access Translation Services is a full-service Dallas translation services company that provides Texas industries with full legal, technical, governmental, medical, pharmaceutical, legal, education, business, and finance translation services, which include:

Dallas Translation Services in Texas

Languages Translated

Access Translation Services knows the needs of the Dallas population in terms of translation services. The population of Dallas is 1.34 million people, of this number, about 37.6% are native Spanish Speakers, the majority of which are Mexican, then next in number are Puerto Rican, and next Cuban. Chinese is the next most spoken non-English language in Dallas. We provide Dallas translation services from English into these languages and from these languages into English.

We provide Dallas translation services in to 147 languages and can translate any document in any industry from or into these languages.

Among these, we translate:

  • Spanish to English
  • (This includes all the variations of Spanish in the twenty countries, and Puerto Rico, where Spanish is the official language)
  • Chinese to English